Sisters of The Wind

A collective world-building journey to revive our earthly interconnections. A work by Juliette Lizotte aka jujulove.


Let me take you to my world.•º

Sisters of the Wind is the fruit of an artistic research on witches, ecofeminism, and science-fiction carried out between 2018 and 2021. It is a story woven through seven videos to be experienced in two distinct ways: as an online world-building workshop and role play session or as an interactive audiovisual performance.

Sisters… ˜o˚ ’’.)* ‘   ’’.’··º   ° ’’ ’ ‘ ·‘ ‘0’  .º•.· ·.˜  *,’,˚˚   ˚oº°•˜ The wind is returning, as it always does. Sometimes it blows so hard that it carries artifacts away from the cities it tore apart, seeds from far away places, trees that didn’t have enough time to grow stronger… That’s why you always seek a protected area to settle in, relocating as the wind comes and goes in waves. You are witches. You pay attention to the world and try to make sense of this life together through the phases of the moon from maiden to mother to crone. In your community, the feminine spirit dominates, and all gender expressions are celebrated. When your precarious life is threatened by an unsettling prophecy announcing a deadly wind that will prepare the earth for a new cycle, will you go on a journey to find the source of this wind? What will you discover on the way? How will this transform you, your sisters, and the earth forever?

Let’s embark together on this wonderful adventure!

In the current context of the global pandemic, it is important to find new and safe ways of being together and reinforce our bonds. This experience was imagined as a physical one, nevertheless it feels as relevant to adapt it for an online format to reinvent ways to feel close to each other and to the world around us.



Read: In conversation with Juliette Lizotte about Sisters of the Wind by Emma van Meyeren.

Online world-building workshop and role play session

Thursday 25 February | 15-18h

Saturday 27 February | 15-18h

You are warmly invited into my world to make it yours, and expand it together! Dive into the wonderful world of Sisters of the Wind, get to embody one of the witches that inhabits it…

Three hours Session on jitsi and etherpad. No prior knowledge or experience of role play required.

Interactive audiovisual performance live on Twitch

Wednesday 24 February | 17.30h
Friday 26 February | 17.30h
Sunday 28 February | 14.30
with a special performance with Annabel Reid.

Join an interactive journey through the world of Sisters of the Wind as it is being reimagined day by day during the workshop sessions.


jujulove is a world builder, an ecofeminist, a witch, an oracle… Inspired by feminist science fiction, manga, pop culture & fantasy, jujulove opens a parallel world of her own at 170bpm.

jujulove aka Juliette Lizotte is a video maker, designer and DJ based in Amsterdam, as well as an active member of Hackers & Designers.


Videos imagined, directed and edited by Juliette Lizotte
Costumes by Karen Huang
Make up by Elisabeth Mesnier
3D animation in collaboration with Philip Ullman
Movement research and choreography for Nightflight in collaboration with Annabel Reid
Screenplay development for the Abyss in collaboration with Antonia Brell
Starring: Annabel Reid, Beatriz Conefrey, Clémence Hilaire, Gregoire Devidal, Ivan Cheng, Juliette Lizotte, Karen Huang, Luan Barros, Manfreddi Coppolecchia, Sanae Oujjit, Sumin Lee, and Susan Kooi.
Original Soundtrack by jujulove in collaboration with Fabian Reichle and with the support of Arif Kornweitz
Role play development with the generous support of Susan Ploetz
Performance development with the kind mentoring of Joy Mariama Smith, Costume by Karen Huang, shoes by limo hair, make up by Elisabeth Mesnier.
Set Design in collaboration with Fabulous Future
Typography: Impakt Nieuw 2019 and Spooky Hairy by Jung Lee Typefoundry

Thank you to: Margarita Osipian, Rosa Poelmans, Melanie Bonajo, Manon Bachelier, Georgie Sinclair, Jo Kali, Emma van Meyeren, Anja Groten, Daniel van der Velden

This project is made possible with the kind support of the Talent Development Grant of Stimuleringsfonds.

Love for Sale / Alles moet weg? & The Love Marathon

In de eerste week van februari doneerden meer dan 170 kunstenaars hun werk. Deze online veiling is een kans om samen sterker te staan tegen het wegvallen van financiering en tegen de dreigende sluiting van W139, de iconische en historische kunstinstelling van Amsterdam!

Toon aanstaande Valentijnsdag je liefde door te bieden op de online veiling: Dead Darlings #13 Love for sale / Alles Moet Weg? Volg deze link voor jouw preview en registratie.

Het bieden start vanaf 50 euro. De veiling begint op 12 februari om 12:00 en eindigt 14 februari om 18:00. Het laatste uur van de veiling is te volgen via de Stampa videocast marathon.

Dead Darlings: “De veiling is anoniem, wat zorgt voor extra spanning tijdens het evenement en de werken democratiseert. Dit benadrukt dat de waarde in deze context niet bepaald wordt door de kunstmarkt, maar door de bijdrage van de gemeenschap en door de liefde van de makers, die de werken zullen reflecteren in hun toekomstige onderkomens” 

Talkshow Stampa #15: De liefdesmarathon
Speciale editie

Stampa-hosts Sacha Bronwasser en Gover Meit (a.k.a. Stefano Keizers) maken een non-stop acht uur durende talkshow, ter support van W139. Rondom de veiling, bestaat de rode draad van de talkshow uit o.a.: de kunst in de stad die onder druk staat door corona, hoge huurprijzen en het belang van een vrije kunstplek in het centrum van Amsterdam – één die niet door donuts en wafels gevuld is.

Tal van gasten uit de wereld van kunst, cultuur en media schuiven aan, met o.a.:

Janny Albers
directeur NV Zeedijk

Theodoor van Boven
oprichter en directeur Condomerie

Ann Demeester
directeur Frans Hals Museum / voormalig directeur W139

Jacqueline Grandjean
directeur Oude Kerk

Lidewij de Koekoek
directeur Rembrandthuis

Jean Bernard Koeman
kunstenaar en voormalig directeur W139

Fadwa Naamna
curator, researcher / kerngroep W139

Margarita Osipian
curator, researcher en schrijver / kerngroep W139

Bart Rutten
directeur Centraal Museum

Margriet Schavemaker
artistiek directeur Amsterdam Museum

Rein Wolfs
directeur Stedelijk Museum

Ben Zegers
directeur bachelor onderwijs Rietveld Academie

Onze dank gaat uit naar de deelnemende kunstenaars, Dead Darlings, Stampa, en iedereen die mee gaat bieden in de veiling. We zijn ontzettend blij met jullie support!

Ad de Jong, Afke Dam, Airco Caravan, Aldo Kroese, Alex Fischer, Alexandra Phillips, Alice Heron, André Avelãs, Andrea Simal, Anika Schwarzlose, Annaleen Louwes, Anne-Laure Ruffin, Aquil Copier, Arja Hop & Peter Svenson, Arthur Guilleminot, Arto van Hasselt, Asher Coady, Atelier Van Lieshout, Aukje Dekker & Geert Jan Jansen, Barbara Rink, Bas van den Hurk & Jochem van Laarhoven & Bo Stokkermans, Baukje Spaltro, Benjamin Francis, Brent Dahl, Brian D McKenna, Carmen Gray, Carmen Schabracq, Catharina Vergeer, Cécile Tafanelli, Charlott Markus, Chris Rijk, Claire Bamplekou, Claudette van de Rakt, Daan Couzijn, Daniel Walwin, Danielle Alhassid, Delta van Melle & Violaine Chapallaz, Diego Diez, Dora Lionstone, Eduardo Rojo, Elena Rosa, Elsa-Louise Manceaux, Emily Kocken, Erik Kessels, Fabian Landewee, Femke Moedt, Fiona Tan, Floor Meijers, Francisco Mojica, Geer van der Klugt, George Korsmit & Saskia Janssen, Giorgos Gripeos, Guda Koster & Frans van Tartwijk, Hangfeng Chen, Hanna Mattes, Hannah Jacques, Hans de Tweede, Hans Kuiper, Harald Schole, Hepacan, Ian de Ruiter, Ilona Plaum, Irina Birger, Iris Kensmil, James Beckett, Jean Bernard Koeman, Jean-Philippe Paumier, Jelte Reinders, Jeroen Jongeleen, Jeroen ter Welle, Jessie Yingying Gong, Jim Klok, Joep Neefjes / LPI, John Körmeling, Joran van Soest, Joris Landman, Jos Houweling, Judith Witteman, Julia Walter, julius frodermann, Just Quist, Kaspar Dejong, Katja de Vries, Konstantin Guz, Koos Buster, Laura Grimm, Lea Adriaans, Lena Shafir, Lieve Hakkers, Lily Lanfermeijer & Joseph Hughes, Lisa Sudhibhasilp, Lisette Ros, Lois Richard, Lonneke de Groot, Lorena van Bunningen, Lyubov Matyunina, Mandra Wabäck, Marcel van den Berg, Margot Domart, Margriet van Breevoort, María Naidich & Sylvia van den Ouwelant, Marie Civikov, Mariëlle Videler, Marijn van Kreij, Mathilde muPe, Matthias Tharang, Maurice van Daalen, Megan Auður, Meis Vranken, Melanie Bonajo & herman de vries, Melanie Ouwehand, Millie Rose Dobree, Misha de Ridder, Nicolas Roses Ponce & Naqia Esufa Lee & Richard John & Matthew G Day & Setareh Fatehi & Tomislav Feller & Elisa Zuppini & Antonia Steffens & Nadja Voorham & Ginta Tinte & Moa Holgersson, Nikos Doulos, Noa Giniger, Noé Cottencin, Nynke Deinema, Odette Muijsers, OORBEEK, Orna Wertman, Oscar Peters, Paraskevi Frasiola, Patricia Werneck Ribas, Patrick Niemann, Pendar Nabipour, Peter Spaans, Phoebe Pryor, Pieter W Postma, PJ Bruyniks, Polly’s Picture Show, Rika Maja Duevel, Riley Harmon, Robert Pennekamp, Roberto Perez Gayo & Gabriel .A. Maher, Roman Tkachenko, Ruchama Noorda, Ruth van Beek, Safira Taylor, Sam Hersbach, Sanne Kabalt, Schulz & Weise, Serena Rossi, Serge Onnen, Serge Verheugen, Simon Marsiglia, Sonia Mangiapane, Sophie Spekle, Stéphanie Baechler, Su Melo, Sylvie Zijlmans & Hewald Jongenelis, Tamara van der Leek, Tania Theodorou, Tatjana Macic, Thomas Manneke, Timo van Grinsven, Tina Sejbjerg, Tzvetana Tchakarova, Uta Eisenreich, Veerle van Rossom, Vincent Knopper, Wall-Russ, Wim van den Camp, Wineke Gartz, Xiyu Tomorrow, Yang-Ha, Yasser Ballemans, Yvonne Dröge Wendel, Zane Žeivate