FLUSH #2: Empezar por algo

During the first live activation of FLUSH, Espacio Estamos Bien invited Kiss my knoblauch to use the toilet as the stage for the first toilet-concert at W139. Expect rapid words over DIY beats and synth tunes with trumpet doodles; an alarm to shake us out of our paradigm and a lullaby to soothe us into a new one. Keep your eyes wet and your fists big. Slugs, cockroaches, kliko’s, fritessaus and toxic armpits brought to you by Fishra and B.Ruiz in a stew of gothic utopias and stinky critique.

FLUSH will also launch their amazing merch, made in collaboration with Miguel Cruz and Artes Oscuras, and available in the W139 shop. They will also sell their very special vermouth, made together with Merceria Clara.

FLUSH is a new relationship flourishing between EEB and W139. FLUSH is located in the bathroom space of W139. This space and its programme generates inter-local relationships, understanding Amsterdam as a base and a place where different interactions can be facilitated, to create links that allow us to shorten distances. Connections that are joyful and decentralized, looking beyond the Amsterdam art scene.

19:00 — Toilet doors open
20:30 — Start concert by Kiss my knoblauch
22:00 — The last flush

FLUSH #1: Pega!

FLUSH: a sudden rush of intense emotion is a flourishing relationship between Espacio Estamos Bien and W139, growing from the toilets at W139. We envision this relationship as the mutualistic workings of microbiota, a symbiotic process allowing for different interactions to develop. The microbiome organisms (EEB and its co-operators) form communities within the host organism (W139), which provides space for the microbiota to inhabit and contribute in a big way despite its small format. 

Located in the toilets of W139, FLUSH works as a flexible form of organizing and making, allowing for other types of collaboration. FLUSH aims to generate inter-local relationships, understanding Amsterdam as a base where different interactions can be facilitated, creating links that allow us to shorten distances. Connections that are joyful, friendly and decentralized, looking beyond the Amsterdam art scene.

Pega!, the inaugural exhibition of FLUSH, opens May 30th at 19:00. It’s the largest show ever hosted in a toilet, serving as a platform for experimental publication, which Pega! achieves using stickers. Created in collaboration with the anarchist and independent print shop Not Shit Print in Amsterdam, Pega! invites artists, activists, designers, and creatives worldwide to contribute their designs for the stickers that will be all over the bathroom. 

We look forward to welcoming you in the toilets. Let’s flush together!

Visual identity by Miguel Cruz. Photography by Justine Ellul.

Visit Marnix’s Mind

Do you wonder what happens behind the scenes of producing a group exhibition? How did the artist’s ideas emerge from thought to canvas to beyond?

Visit Each Other’s Mind invites visitors to meet the artists of Outside the Soup. During these encounters, you will discover the work and inner thoughts of these makers, and the behind-the-scenes process of Outside the Soup. Sometimes in the form of a guided tour, other times with a short reading or artist discussion. In each of the six Visit Each Other’s Mind events, different works will be highlighted by various artists. 

By drawing, Marnix van Uum (living and working in The Hague—he/him) tries to understand how the narrative qualities of emotions and memories shape his identity. Some drawings focus on daily experiences whereas others try to relive and reshape certain moments from the past.

In the spirit of the collaborative nature of Outside the Soup, we invite you to become part of the soup. Visit Each Other’s Mind is a space for dialogue between makers and the audience, creating opportunities to weave together new meanings and affective dimensions surrounding the works.

Reserve your spot via the Eventbrite page here.
Ticket: € 5

Sunday 28 April, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Esraa’s Mind

Friday 10 May, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Kenneth’s Mind

Sunday 2 June, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Afra’s and Hend’s Mind

Friday 7 June, 17:00-18:00  — Visit Karin’s Mind 

Saturday 22 June, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Marnix’s Mind 

Friday 5 July, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Dagmar’s Mind 

Visual identity by Sheona Turnbull.

Visit Dagmar’s Mind

Do you wonder what happens behind the scenes of producing a group exhibition? How did the artist’s ideas emerge from thought to canvas to beyond?

Visit Each Other’s Mind invites visitors to meet the artists of Outside the Soup. During these encounters, you will discover the work and inner thoughts of these makers, and the behind-the-scenes process of Outside the Soup. Sometimes in the form of a guided tour, other times with a short reading or artist discussion. In each of the six Visit Each Other’s Mind events, different works will be highlighted by various artists. 

Dagmar Bosma (living and working in Rotterdam—they/he) is an artist, writer, and gleaner currently working around trans*ing movements of ruination. Whenever they have the chance, they like to glean scrap metal at post-industrial sites.

In the spirit of the collaborative nature of Outside the Soup, we invite you to become part of the soup. Visit Each Other’s Mind is a space for dialogue between makers and the audience, creating opportunities to weave together new meanings and affective dimensions surrounding the works.

Reserve your spot via the Eventbrite page here.
Ticket: € 5

Sunday 28 April, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Esraa’s Mind

Friday 10 May, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Kenneth’s Mind

Sunday 2 June, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Afra’s and Hend’s Mind

Friday 7 June, 17:00-18:00  — Visit Karin’s Mind 

Saturday 22 June, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Marnix’s Mind 

Friday 5 July, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Dagmar’s Mind 

Visual identity by Sheona Turnbull.

Visit Karin’s Mind

Do you wonder what happens behind the scenes of producing a group exhibition? How did the artist’s ideas emerge from thought to canvas to beyond?

Visit Each Other’s Mind invites visitors to meet the artists of Outside the Soup. During these encounters, you will discover the work and inner thoughts of these makers, and the behind-the-scenes process of Outside the Soup. Sometimes in the form of a guided tour, other times with a short reading or artist discussion. In each of the six Visit Each Other’s Mind events, different works will be highlighted by various artists. 

The work of Karin Iturralde Nurnberg (living and working in Amsterdam—she/her) sprouts edible out of solid environments, pleading for the possibility to resist the concrete air conditioning in the room of her first therapist, who mocked her because she was eighteen and mentioned she wanted to be free. /oops Her practice comes to soothe her and provides means to read herself, re-dream herself, find a community of worldbuilders to exchange with and create or maintain a space in to accommodate expressions that are otherwise unfitting. She has a multidisciplinary approach where walking, encounter and direct experience are ways to start creative processes.

In the spirit of the collaborative nature of Outside the Soup, we invite you to become part of the soup. Visit Each Other’s Mind is a space for dialogue between makers and the audience, creating opportunities to weave together new meanings and affective dimensions surrounding the works.

Reserve your spot via the Eventbrite page here.
Ticket: € 5

Sunday 28 April, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Esraa’s Mind

Friday 10 May, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Kenneth’s Mind

Sunday 2 June, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Afra’s and Hend’s Mind

Friday 7 June, 17:00-18:00  — Visit Karin’s Mind 

Saturday 22 June, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Marnix’s Mind 

Friday 5 July, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Dagmar’s Mind 

Visual identity by Sheona Turnbull.

Visit Afra’s & Hend’s Mind

Do you wonder what happens behind the scenes of producing a group exhibition? How did the artist’s ideas emerge from thought to canvas to beyond?

Visit Each Other’s Mind invites visitors to meet the artists of Outside the Soup. During these encounters, you will discover the work and inner thoughts of these makers, and the behind-the-scenes process of Outside the Soup. Sometimes in the form of a guided tour, other times with a short reading or artist discussion. In each of the six Visit Each Other’s Mind events, different works will be highlighted by various artists.

Afra Eisma (living and working between Amsterdam and The Hague—she/they) creates immersive interactive installations with large-scale tapestries and colorful ceramics. Using bright colors and playful approaches to engage with darker emotions and experiences is a recurring method. Garments veil activist slogans, a stomach becomes a container for rumblings, large scale tapestries invite you to gently engage. Eisma creates room for anger, ambiguity, and reflection. Alongside Eisma’s artistic practice, the artist is involved in various activist initiatives in the Netherlands.

Hend Samir (living and working between Amsterdam and Cairo—she/her) works primarily as a painter but also uses graphic print, mixed media and video. In her work, she layers desire, adventure and fantasy over seemingly mundane situations. Using acrylic paint on canvas, she builds her scenes like a collage, combining elements of personal family photos (or those of strangers), magazines and internet images. The paintings are portals to a disturbing, alchemical world. On her canvases, figures emerge slowly—like geological forms surfacing over thousands of years, brought to life by the fluid pressure of her brushstrokes.

In the spirit of the collaborative nature of Outside the Soup, we invite you to become part of the soup. Visit Each Other’s Mind is a space for dialogue between makers and the audience, creating opportunities to weave together new meanings and affective dimensions surrounding the works.

Reserve your spot via the Eventbrite page here.
Ticket: € 5

Sunday 28 April, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Esraa’s Mind

Friday 10 May, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Kenneth’s Mind

Sunday 2 June, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Afra’s and Hend’s Mind

Friday 7 June, 17:00-18:00  — Visit Karin’s Mind 

Saturday 22 June, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Marnix’s Mind 

Friday 5 July, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Dagmar’s Mind 

Visual identity by Sheona Turnbull.

Visit Kenneth’s Mind

Do you wonder what happens behind the scenes of producing a group exhibition? How did the artist’s ideas emerge from thought to canvas to beyond?

Visit Each Other’s Mind invites visitors to meet the artists of Outside the Soup. During these encounters, you will discover the work and inner thoughts of these makers, and the behind-the-scenes process of Outside the Soup. Sometimes in the form of a guided tour, other times with a short reading or artist discussion. In each of the six Visit Each Other’s Mind events, different works will be highlighted by various artists. 

Kenneth Aidoo (living and working in Amsterdam—he/him) works across multiple disciplines. With his work, he engages in the conversation around the position of people of African descent. By making video-installations on the African diaspora, he speaks about the heritage of a shared history. In his painted portraits, he sheds light on the forgotten narratives of African people and displays their presence throughout history, in a refusal to neglect its erasure.

In the spirit of the collaborative nature of Outside the Soup, we invite you to become part of the soup. Visit Each Other’s Mind is a space for dialogue between makers and the audience, creating opportunities to weave together new meanings and affective dimensions surrounding the works.

Reserve your spot via the Eventbrite page here.
Ticket: € 5

Sunday 28 April, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Esraa’s Mind

Friday 10 May, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Kenneth’s Mind

Sunday 2 June, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Afra’s and Hend’s Mind

Friday 7 June, 17:00-18:00  — Visit Karin’s Mind 

Saturday 22 June, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Marnix’s Mind 

Friday 5 July, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Dagmar’s Mind 

Visual identity by Sheona Turnbull.

Visit Esraa’s Mind

Do you wonder what happens behind the scenes of producing a group exhibition? How did the artist’s ideas emerge from thought to canvas to beyond?

Visit Each Other’s Mind invites visitors to meet the artists of Outside the Soup. During these encounters, you will discover the work and inner thoughts of these makers, and the behind-the-scenes process of Outside the Soup. Sometimes in the form of a guided tour, other times with a short reading or artist discussion. In each of the six Visit Each Other’s Mind events, different works will be highlighted by various artists. 

Esraa Elfeky (living and working in Cairo—she/her) is a multimedia artist working with video, sculpture, drawing, sound, and installation. Her work unearths the complex relationships that exist between the natural world, the body, time, and the urban environment. For the past five years, Elfeky has navigated themes such the apocalypse, decay, and resurrection as an ongoing exploration of her native country. The often overlooked landscape of the desert becomes a site for imagination, solitude, storytelling, and reflection on both historical and political events.

In the spirit of the collaborative nature of Outside the Soup, we invite you to become part of the soup. Visit Each Other’s Mind is a space for dialogue between makers and the audience, creating opportunities to weave together new meanings and affective dimensions surrounding the works.

Reserve your spot via the Eventbrite page here.
Ticket: € 5

Sunday 28 April, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Esraa’s Mind

Friday 10 May, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Kenneth’s Mind

Sunday 2 June, 15:00-16:00 — Visit Afra’s and Hend’s Mind

Friday 7 June, 17:00-18:00  — Visit Karin’s Mind 

Saturday 22 June, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Marnix’s Mind 

Friday 5 July, 17:00-18:00 — Visit Dagmar’s Mind 

Visual identity by Sheona Turnbull.

Experimental Pizza Club

W139 invites you to the Experimental Pizza Club, a collective dining experience during Amsterdam Art Week. 

Loosely, this is how it works: each pizza-lover brings three toppings to the table: something that tingles their taste buds, something they think will be delicious, something they think will be challenging. The toppings are all spread out, the order for choosing toppings is collectively decided, and one by one participants add toppings until someone decides to “call it”, declaring the pizza finished, and slides it into the oven.

Keeping up with the themes of Outside the Soup, generosity, sharing, and collaboration are essential ingredients for this event. E.P.C. is an exercise in letting go, of losing control, of freestyling; a cadavre exquis of desires and flavours.

Experimental Pizza Club, founded in 2018 by Katrina Niebergal, Daisy Madden-Wells, and Afra Eisma, is about coming together and playing with the process of pizza making.

Tickets are available via the Eventbrite page for the event.

Visual identity by Sheona Turnbull.

Citizen’s Circle

Meenakshi Thirukode invites you to Citizen’s Circle, a public gathering, workshop, and collective dialogue in which Meenakshi invites participants to contemplate on ideas of citizenship and democracy. How does solidarity and allyship operate in times like these? What does it mean to participate in a democracy? This circle will prompt reflection on embracing discomfort, of sitting across from a fellow human, fostering a moment where we can talk, hold space for each other, and listen.

TIME calls this “The Ultimate Election Year’ with 64 countries (plus the European Union) going to the polls globally. That’s 49% of the combined population whose votes—amidst the backdrop of many resistance movements—will set the course of what democracy will look like in the future. Meenakshi is interested in the interconnectedness of the struggle for liberation, whether it’s combatting sexual violence or eradicating settler colonialism. How do these issues intertwine? Rooted in the idea of politics of love in India, this workshop recognizes that our freedoms are inseparable from one another, and that we must learn from each other’s perspectives in the pursuit for a better world.

Citizen’s Circle will include a brief discussion of the video work titled The Great Intangible: for the love of a politics of love (in two parts), which is being screened as a part of Outside the Soup. Please join us on Saturday 6 July for this special gathering!

This workshop is part of Outside the Soup, a group exhibition that emphasizes the potential of art to create new worldviews through radical imagination and artistic experimentation; placing care, solidarity, and trust at the forefront.

Citizen’s Circle is organized in collaboration with Kunstinstituut Melly and is supported by The Polis Project. The visit of Meenakshi Thirukode is made possible by the International Visitors Programme of the Nieuwe Instituut with support from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Tickets are available via the Eventbrite page for the event.

Visual identity by Sheona Turnbull.