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Event, Para-siting, Performance, FLUSH

FLUSH #2: Empezar por algo

During the first live activation of FLUSH, Espacio Estamos Bien invited Kiss my knoblauch to use the toilet as the stage for the first toilet-concert at W139. Expect rapid words over DIY beats and synth tunes with trumpet doodles; an alarm to shake us out of our paradigm and a lullaby to soothe us into a new one. Keep your eyes wet and your fists big. Slugs, cockroaches, kliko’s, fritessaus and toxic armpits brought to you by Fishra and B.Ruiz in a stew of gothic utopias and stinky critique.

FLUSH will also launch their amazing merch, made in collaboration with Miguel Cruz and Artes Oscuras, and available in the W139 shop. They will also sell their very special vermouth, made together with Merceria Clara.

FLUSH is a new relationship flourishing between EEB and W139. FLUSH is located in the bathroom space of W139. This space and its programme generates inter-local relationships, understanding Amsterdam as a base and a place where different interactions can be facilitated, to create links that allow us to shorten distances. Connections that are joyful and decentralized, looking beyond the Amsterdam art scene.

19:00 — Toilet doors open
20:30 — Start concert by Kiss my knoblauch
22:00 — The last flush