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Event, Opening, Para-siting, FLUSH

FLUSH #1: Pega!

FLUSH: a sudden rush of intense emotion is a flourishing relationship between Espacio Estamos Bien and W139, growing from the toilets at W139. We envision this relationship as the mutualistic workings of microbiota, a symbiotic process allowing for different interactions to develop. The microbiome organisms (EEB and its co-operators) form communities within the host organism (W139), which provides space for the microbiota to inhabit and contribute in a big way despite its small format. 

Located in the toilets of W139, FLUSH works as a flexible form of organizing and making, allowing for other types of collaboration. FLUSH aims to generate inter-local relationships, understanding Amsterdam as a base where different interactions can be facilitated, creating links that allow us to shorten distances. Connections that are joyful, friendly and decentralized, looking beyond the Amsterdam art scene.

Pega!, the inaugural exhibition of FLUSH, opens May 30th at 19:00. It’s the largest show ever hosted in a toilet, serving as a platform for experimental publication, which Pega! achieves using stickers. Created in collaboration with the anarchist and independent print shop Not Shit Print in Amsterdam, Pega! invites artists, activists, designers, and creatives worldwide to contribute their designs for the stickers that will be all over the bathroom. 

We look forward to welcoming you in the toilets. Let’s flush together!

Visual identity by Miguel Cruz. Photography by Justine Ellul.