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Performance, Sonic Acts 2024

(e)ncounter(ing) #3 – emotionally displaced & ATER TUMTI

(e)ncounter(ing) #3 – emotionally displaced is Pedro Matias’ performative reading of dépaysement, an emotional map of disorientating ‘stories’ that speculate upon systemic oppressive structures, nature, the (more than) human body, and regeneration. Through multiple flows of personal notes, poetics and fabulation, the listener is invited to explore (other) places that we are all longing for. The reading develops while navigating the emotional map, guiding them on a wild(er) journey where voice, non-performativity and language(s) become a lullaby about oneself. Rubrum Coralia, a homoeopathic remedy that is prepared from the red coral of the sea, adds both a whimsical and uncanny layer to this encounter in which (des)equilibrium, surrender and longing meet.

The reading is followed by a guided collective experience of Annika Kappner’s ATER TUMTI, with a live spatial sound performance by Eric Maltz. Exploring alternative future technologies, this experience encourages us to recognise our interconnectedness with life on this planet, the biosphere, and all its co-creators.

Buy your ticket here.