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Event, Para-siting, FLUSH

FLUSH #4: La Toilette

Through the electromagnetic waves of the phone, Taylor tells me that they had heard (or read?) Karen Rose say: “The body is your spiritual antenna.” It’s been a while since I’ve thought about antennas. I google them and find: “How to maintain and protect your antenna from the ravages of time and weather?” 

The motif of “la toilette” is a recurring theme in art history, representing moments of personal care such as dressing, combing one’s hair, applying makeup, or washing. Its universality spans different eras and cultures, reflecting notions of privacy and community, everyday challenges, aesthetic concerns, and transcendent ideals. FlUSH 4 invites us, in the stench of the most ineluctable aspect of our human condition, to some intimate moments of pictorial corporeality with Cosima zu Knyphausen.

FLUSH: a sudden rush of intense emotion is a flourishing collaboration between Espacio Estamos Bien and W139, located in the toilets of W139. FLUSH operates as a flexible form of organizing and creating, enabling various types of collaboration. FLUSH aims to foster inter-local relationships, viewing Amsterdam as a hub for facilitating diverse interactions and building connections that bridge distances. Joyful, friendly and decentralized connections extend beyond the Amsterdam art scene.

Text by Taylor Le Melle
Production by Julia Nowicka and Clara Rojas
Text design by Josefina Contin
Poster by Cosima zu Knyphausen
With publications of Lesbianas Concentradas