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Event, Para-siting, FLUSH

FLUSH #4: Bread Buffet

Come to Bread Buffet at FLUSH #4, eat some cucumber sarnies, and read with us as we think through and around the site of work, precarity and enjoyment.

Within affective labour economies and the history of service and hospitality, we can see a broader pattern of systemic inequality shaped by colonialism, capitalism, and neoliberal governance. These frameworks often perpetuate exploitation whilst cloaked under the guise of benevolence, setting up defined roles of “host” and “guest”.

Bread Buffet is an offering from artists Sophie Soobramanien and Shreya de Souza. It is an ongoing methodology which takes various models according to a theme. Through workshops, zines, reading groups and experimental performances, they collage and interweave theory, art, fiction, contemporary events and visual material. Trying to find ways to contextualize and present swathes of research and information that bypass the potential barriers of academia. We are motivated to co-create these shifting shapes with a public/audience, in dispersing and digesting various knowledges, connecting thought and form in the process. Included in the buffets is a source list of all the extracts, citation being a vital part of the process. 

Please RSVP to breadbuffetservice@gmail.com if you would like to come due to limited space in the toilet. 

Cucumber sandwiches will be vegan, let us know in your RSVP if you are gluten free.