Ancient African Principles
A wasi in JawJaw (2008) is a short documentary film recorded during a trip to the interior of Suriname. Rainbow Soulclub members Ebby Addo and Roy Telgt (a.k.a. Totty) are given a ritual washing and treatment against addiction by Mr. Amou, a local Obiya man (medicine man).
After screening the film, spiritual holistic therapist Orsine Walden will dissect the ritual conducted in A wasi in JawJaw, through a lecture on ancient African principles.
Orsine Walden is a spiritual healer, poet and holistic therapist applying ancient African principles. Walden descends from the Marron Saamaka freedom fighters, who built their own communities and have resisted slavery not only in Suriname, but also in other regions on the South American continent.
At the age of 17, Walden was initiated by her grandmother Yaadoka into the Winti world of faith. She started her own spiritual holistic therapy practice since age 23.
Buy your ticket on the Eventbrite-page of the event.