To raise funds for Turkey and Syria after the recent earthquake, W139 is selling screen printed t-shirts designed by the artist EMIRHAKIN. 80% of the proceeds (€20 per order) will be transferred to Artists in Solidarity, who will then donate the funds to local grass-root organisations, initiatives and collectives in Turkey and Syria.
@artistsinsolidarity_nl is a group of artists and cultural workers from Turkey who are based in the Netherlands. In response to the double earthquake that devastated large areas in Turkey and Syria, they created a solidarity group to collectively respond with greater impact than we could as individuals. Their aims are to raise awareness in the Netherlands, organize our international artist community both in the Netherlands and beyond to raise funds in solidarity and support, and establish a sustainable platform to maintain strong and trustworthy connections with local grassroots organizations, initiatives, and collectives in Turkey and Syria. Although the group is not currently registered as a legal entity, they anticipate that Artists in Solidarity-Netherlands will grow into an international community of artists committed to raising awareness and support for moments of urgency, such as the catastrophic earthquake that occurred on February 6, 2023.
For further information, please contact Artists in Solidarity at:
To purchase a t-shirt, click here.

Price: €25.00